Sunday, October 5, 2014

How Technology has Changed Communication

       Communicators of the 21st century have to be more alert to changing technologies and the platforms used to communicate.  Today they have to be able to communicate through the internet, mobiles, and even the old-fashioned way. All forms of communication are different and require different techniques. Today’s communicators have to be just as efficient at short, 140 character, type of communication as they are at formal forms of communication. It used to be that a journalist for a local news outlet could basically categorize their audience. Now, the internet has made it so that their audience is vast and the demographics are always changing.
       According to Gross, Five Ways Facebook has Changed us for Better and Worse, are:
  • 1.     We can and do share everything.
    The negative side: we can and do share everything.

  • 2.     You can now find almost anyone; past or present.
    The negative side: they can find you.

  • 3.     The heaviest users of Facebook are generally happy and “more likely to be engaged socially and politically.”
    The negative side:  “the photos of smiling kids on vacation in the Caribbean or announcements about promotions, engagements and awesome nights on the town -- can make us feel sadder about our own humdrum lives.”

  • 4.     Class reunions are happening every day through Facebook.
    The negative side: When you are in contact with old classmates everyday there is no reason to have a real class reunion. It’s healthy for people to meet face-to-face occasionally.

  • 5.     Security tools are easily available for those who want to use them.
    The negative side: security breaches. (2014)

Gross, D. (2014, January 30). 5 ways Facebook changed us, for better and worse -
Retrieved from

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